Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comic Book Outsiders Podcast

A few months ago someone linked me to the (British) Comic Book Outsiders podcast, where the hosts were chatting about both Hawaiian Dick and '76. In both cases, they completely got what we were going for, and it was quite gratifying to hear.

In any event, they were nice enough to ask me to share some time with them earlier this week, and the results have just gone up here:


Niko said...

You probably get that asked all the time, but how is '76 coming along? I think it was you who told me at the Standard Attrition boards some months ago that one of the artist had health problems, but I hope you're all doing better now.

Anyway, I can be patient, '76 is worth the wait. Just thought to ask if you had an update.

B. Clay Moore said...

Yeah, half of '76 is about done, and the other half (our half) is being worked on again at full speed.

We'll be back on track soon!

Niko said...

That sounds great! Thanks, man! :)